About Me

Hi, I'm Lucas Jordan. My pronouns are He/ Him. I'm a consultant & software developer from Naarm (Melbourne, Australia). I specialise in front-end development & acessibility.

Close-up of Lucas Jordan, a white cis man wearing a black zipped up jacket with long brown hair laying down in front of his shoulders and a short brown beard. My journey building websites began as a hobby back in 2003 when I started hacking together custom Myspace themes for fun and friends as well as making small personal websites and projects. Eventually when I got older I studied computer science at La Trobe University (Bundoora) where I gained a Bachelor in Information Systems before finally gaining my first "real" job as a PHP Developer in 2013.

After around a year of cutting my teeth I naturally fell in love with UI design and development which reignited the passion for the web I first flet all those years ago and I haven't looked back since!

Find me on Twitter, or send me an email: hello@lucasjordan.dev .

My offline interests & hobbies include:

  • Our cat Ambrose 🐈
  • Marine Conservation 🐋
  • Bicyles & cycling 🚴‍♀️
  • Retro video games 🎮
  • Cooking & eating vegan food 😋🍃

About this site

This website has been lovingly crafted by me using HTML, CSS and is powered by the static site generator Astro

All code is publically available on Github feel free to borrow steal my code just promise to try to learn from it rather than simply copying and pasting 🤞.

If you encounter any usability/accessibility issues while on my website, please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP! 🙏